{{ notification.title }}
\n \nError
\nYou will be signed out upon closing this dialog.
\nThis week
\n({{ testsStatsThisWeek.dateFrom | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\")}} - {{ testsStatsThisWeek.dateTo | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\")}})
\n\n{{ testsStatsThisWeek.pastDueCount }}
\nPast test date
\n{{ testsStatsThisWeek.dueCount }}
\nTests due
\n{{ testsStatsThisWeek.statusCounts.COMPLETED }}
\nTests complete
\n{{ testsStatsThisWeek.statusCounts.ISSUED }}
\nDevices issued
\n{{ testsStatsThisWeek.statusCounts.ERRORED }}
\nErrored scans
\nThis month
\n({{ testsStatsThisMonth.dateFrom | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\")}} - {{ testsStatsThisMonth.dateTo | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\")}})
\n\n{{ testsStatsThisMonth.pastDueCount }}
\nPast test date
\n{{ testsStatsThisMonth.dueCount }}
\nTests due
\n{{ testsStatsThisMonth.statusCounts.COMPLETED }}
\nTests complete
\n{{ testsStatsThisMonth.statusCounts.ISSUED }}
\nDevices issued
\n{{ testsStatsThisMonth.statusCounts.ERRORED }}
\nErrored scans
\nIn total
\n\n{{ allTestsStats.testsIssuedCount }}
\nDevices issued
\n{{ allTestsStats.testsCompleteCount }}
\nTests complete
\n{{ patientsStats.patientsCount }}
\nPatients on record
\n{{ organisationsStats.organisationsCount }}
\n{{ organisationsStats.practitionersCount }}
\nHealth care professionals
\nEdit domain name
\nAdd a domain
\nAdd a Training Organisation
\nThe following practitioners were created
\n{{ this.errorText }}
\nEmail: {{ practitioner.email }}
\nPassword: {{ practitioner.password }}
\nResults {{ `Showing ${showingComputed} of ${results.totalCount}` }}
\nSearch Results {{ `Showing ${showingComputed} of ${results.totalCount}` }}
\nSelect at least one domain to assign to your user
\nSelect at least one facility to assign to your HCP
\nUser can configure notification settings for their organisation
\nRaw Data
\nValidation Errors
\nError Flags
\nKey | \nValue | \n
{{ key }} | \n{{ value }} | \n
Change shipping address?
\nTest created
\nDevice assigned
\nFasting test completed
\n2 hour test completed
\nResults received
\nNotification sent
\n{{ event.eventDate | moment(\"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm\") }}
\nIn person
\n\n {{ event.testLinkText }}\n {{ event.details }}\n {{ event.externalLinkText }}\n
\n{{ note.practitionerName }}
\n\n Reported issue note\n System note\n {{ note.dateCreated | moment(\"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm\")}}
\nAre you sure you want to cancel the test?
\nAny progress will not be saved
\n\nThis is a required field
\nAre you sure you want to change the test status to 'Returned'?
\nThis change cannot be reversed
\n\n \n\nReorder test {{ test.testNumber }}
\n\nAccept status
\nPlease confirm that you would like to accept the status of this test
\nDevice found
\nPackage error
\nPackage confirmed
\nPlease confirm verification
\nThis device appears to have a faulty clock
\n\nThe above dates are expected to match. If you wish to continue with this device, click 'Confirm'
\n({{ testsStatsToday.dateFrom | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\") }})
\n\n{{ testsStatsToday.dispatchedOrdersCount }}
\nOrders to dispatch
\n{{ testsStatsToday.openOrdersCount }}
\nOrders open
\n{{ testsStatsToday.dueOrdersCount }}
\nOrders due
\n{{ humanizeDuration(testsStatsToday.aveProcessingTimeInMillis) }}
\nAverage processing time
\nThis week
\n({{ testsStatsThisWeek.dateFrom | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\")}} - {{ testsStatsThisWeek.dateTo | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\")}})
\n\n{{ testsStatsThisWeek.dispatchedOrdersCount }}
\nOrders to dispatch
\n{{ testsStatsThisWeek.openOrdersCount }}
\nOrders open
\n{{ testsStatsThisWeek.dueOrdersCount }}
\nOrders due
\n{{ humanizeDuration(testsStatsThisWeek.aveProcessingTimeInMillis) }}
\nAverage processing time
\nThis month
\n({{ testsStatsThisMonth.dateFrom | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\")}} - {{ testsStatsThisMonth.dateTo | moment(\"MMM D, YYYY\")}})
\n\n{{ testsStatsThisMonth.dispatchedOrdersCount }}
\nOrders to dispatch
\n{{ testsStatsThisMonth.openOrdersCount }}
\nOrders open
\n{{ testsStatsThisMonth.dueOrdersCount }}
\nOrders due
\n{{ humanizeDuration(testsStatsThisMonth.aveProcessingTimeInMillis) }}
\nAverage processing time
\nSearch Results {{ `Showing ${showingComputed} of ${results.totalCount}` }}
\nCancel order
\nAre you sure you would like to cancel the order?
\nRemove device
\n{{ note.practitionerName }}
Reported issue note {{ note.dateCreated | moment(\"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm\")}}
Accept status
\nPlease confirm that you would like to accept the status of the selected {{ tests.length === 1 ? \"test\" : \"tests\" }} ({{ tests.length }})
\nSet as Returned
\nAre you sure you would like to override the selected {{ tests.length === 1 ? \"test\" : \"tests\" }} ({{ tests.length }}) to the status of Returned?
\nCancel tests
\nAre you sure you would like to cancel the selected {{ tests.length === 1 ? \"test\" : \"tests\" }} ({{ tests.length }})?